July 14, 2008

A Toast to Friends Old & New

photograph by John Granen

I have a new friend to thank for this lovely homage to old friends....

"...being with my old friend, caused me to contemplate just how important these sort of touchstones are in one’s life. Places you can return to, and friends that you can be with, that remind you who you are. Who you really are. Deep down. When you spend time with a friend such as this, it is restorative. There is an ease of conversation emanating from a shared history, a finishing of each other’s sentences, comfortable companionable silences, and the salubrious joy of being understood without effort. That type of friendship, I’ve found, is harder when one gets older. Perhaps we tend to grow a little more guarded with age. But if you are blessed, as I am, with an old friend, I wish you a clear summer day like mine and a chance to appreciate that friendship anew."

Raise a glass to all of our dear friends, old and new...


michelle said...

I must stop by again tonight to meet your new friend. Her blog looks lovely! Cheers!!!

Marina said...

Sweet picture!

Morna Crites-Moore said...

Looks like fun. This evening, I will raise a glass to old friends, good and true.